The Chief Executive, Mrs Lam, was shocked by the Legislative Council and did not meet with the public after the opening of the news on July 2 at 4 am. After a week, she reappeared today (9th) and met with reporters before the Executive Council.

She bluntly stated that the amendment was "completely failed" and that the public was worried about whether it would reintend the amendments to show that the Ordinance was "the bill is dead".

Regarding the demands of the demonstrators to withdraw the amendments, she believes that social contradictions and disputes are caused by the government's proposed amendments. She admits that the repair work "completely failed" and has apologized earlier. The reason for the failure is that the government's work is not doing well. The social pulse is not mastered enough, the political sensitivity is biased, and because of the overall failure, the work of the amendment has been "completely and comprehensively stopped." However, due to the fragile trust of the citizens in the government, there are still demonstrations to question whether the government will To re-raise the Bill, she stated that the amendments have been "staying dead" and "the bill is dead" (the draft is dead). I hope that the public will not have different understandings of different words.

As for the demonstrators’ withdrawal of the riots, Lin Zheng reiterated that the riots were described by the Commissioner of Police as some of the frontline demonstrators’ self-made weapons to attack police officers. The government did not characterize the 6.12 assembly. She also said that qualitative does not affect the prosecution work in the future. She pointed out that the prosecution work was decided by the Secretary for Justice in accordance with the Basic Law. It was not subject to interference and was not affected by her and the Commissioner of Police.

The demonstrators proposed not to pursue criminal responsibility. Some people also raised amnesty. She believes that this requirement violates the spirit of the rule of law. The draft amendment "End of Life" Refusal to refusal to set up an independent investigation committee The Chief Executive should not interfere with investigations, The Hong Kong Chief Executive puts forward the theory of "end to sleep" but the controversy is still prosecutions or future rulings at this stage. Things need to be handled according to law. This will show that Hong Kong is doing things according to law. society.

Regarding the establishment of an independent investigation committee, Lin Zheng said that all members of the IPCC have unanimously decided to take the initiative to review the work, including the clarification of the facts of large-scale public events from June 9 to July 2, especially concerning violence.

She acknowledged that today's response did not fully satisfy the demonstrators and demands, but she did not think it was a personal facet issue. Instead, she regarded the SAR government as having to consider a number of factors to make a balanced decision. Today's response is practical and she hopes. Social understanding.

As regards the past provision of temporary assistance, the Bill will automatically lapse in July next year. Lin Zheng said that the amendments have been "returned to sleep" and still refused to withdraw. She admits that "there is a difference between the past and the past." However, the public may have to hear a very categorical statement. "The end of life is relative" The argument is that the public should not worry about the means to enable the amendments to be discussed in this Legislative Council: "Withdrawal, in fact, to some extent, today's withdrawal and three months later can also be re-raised to the Legislative Council. Therefore, I believe that the public is very pragmatic in knowing the outcome of the problem.

Asked whether the official is responsible for the downfall, Lin Zheng believes that she has a great responsibility as the chief executive. The Secretary for Justice, Zheng Ruoxi, and the Director of the Security Bureau, Li Jiachao, have sincerely apologized. She pointed out that the public has certain requirements under the accountability system. However, there are many factors to be considered in everything. The Government has "learned a lot of things and learned lessons" to better serve the public. It is also a commitment to the community.

Lin Zheng was asked how he would respond to the amendments and ultimately failed to resolve the Taiwan murder case, and some young people complained of death. [Fugitive Offenders Ordinance] refers to the amendment "End of Life" Lin Zheng admitted that his work failed completely. She said that many people said that the downfall of the Chief Executive is not a simple matter. "I personally serve the people of Hong Kong with enthusiasm." I hope that the community will give her space to change her political style and deal with the demands of the economy and people's livelihood.

She also said that she is "a more emotional person." The Taiwan murder incident has not been resolved. The political sensitivity of the Hong Kong Government is not good enough. "I sincerely apologize." She also said that she was saddened by the fact that some citizens directly or indirectly harmed themselves because of the amendments. They have contacted and mobilized non-government agencies to alleviate the negative feelings of the society.
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