Boeing will provide $100 million in funding to assist two families of Indonesian Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines in the 737Max air crash.

The aid funds will be gradually put in place within a few years, and it is said that the lawsuit related to the crash has nothing to do. The two air crashes caused a total of 346 deaths.

Boeing said the funds will be used for education, living expenses, and local community projects for the families of the victims.

The lawyers of the families of the victims did not recognize the move.

In March of this year, Ethiopian Airlines ET302 crashed, which was the second fatal accident related to the 737Max model in five months. In October 2018, the Indonesian Lions aircraft crashed in the waters near Jakarta.

Air crash investigators are concerned about the aircraft's control system, and Boeing has been working with regulators to launch upgrade software. Since March, the best-selling 737Max model has been grounded worldwide, and the specific go-around time is undecided.

The Ethiopian airliner crashed 157 people and found 8 Chinese citizens on board.
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Boeing said in a statement on Wednesday that the funds will be used to support the education, hardship and living expenses of affected families, as well as the economic development of community projects and affected communities. Boeing will work with local governments and nonprofits to help meet these needs. This initial investment will be gradually completed in the next few years.

Dennis Muilenburg, Chairman, President and CEO of Boeing, added: "All Boeing colleagues apologize for the tragic loss of life in the two accidents, and we will always remember these lost lives. ”

"We express our sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of the crew and hope that this initial measure will bring comfort to them," he said.

A lawyer from Texas, who is part of the family of ET302 victims, Nomi Husain said that Boeing’s funds “are not enough to compensate for the loss of family members”.

He told the BBC, “Some of our customers are not interested in financial compensation at the moment.” Boeing “puts the interests of safety first and wants to get their best-selling models on the market”. Boeing denied this.

Hussein has so far filed seven lawsuits on behalf of the families of the victims, including litigation claims for $276 million. He estimated that the families of the victims have filed about 50 lawsuits so far.

He said that some families are waiting for the technical reasons for the crash and how the regulator handles the flight of the aircraft. They will file a lawsuit later. There are other families who just want the truth.

At the same time, Robert Clifford, a representative of 23 families, said: “It is unprecedented to provide (finance) so early in the litigation phase. Because there is still much to be understood about what is happening, it It also looks very dishonest."
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