In a jirga organized by Jammu and Kashmir, security forces killed one alleged terrorist in an accident on Friday. The alleged terrorists identified in Jammu and Kashmir Police have been identified as Samirsha. According to the news agency, the Jammu and Kashmir Police reported that the alleged terrorists were killed in the attack with Hizb al-Mujahid. Along with that, he was involved in many other occasions. It was told that Samirsha, the murder of civilians and the security personnel were also accused.

Police told that according to the news agency, there are terrorists in the Nerani area of ​​southern Kashmir-based Shops. After this, the action was started on Friday morning, a police officer reported that after receiving the information, security personnel started search operation after the collapse of the area, after which the terrorists started turning on this paragraph.

After the shelling, security personnel also took action, in which a terrorist was killed. The officer said that large quantities of arms were recovered from the body of the terrorist. Security officials are operating operations all over the valley to eliminate terrorists in the valley.

In the past three years, security personnel killed more than 250 terrorists. That time, this number is still over 100. The top 10 terrorists 'hit list' has been prepared by security personnel, who are searching for a search engine.

Earlier in the state Budgam, security personnel had received secret information that some terrorists were hiding in Chhodora area. Information-based security forces started firing in the area when the search operation started in the area. Indian security officials also fired in the reply. A terrorist commander was killed in this operation.
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