More than 90 US Asian affairs experts, including former diplomats, said in an open letter to President Trump and members of Congress that they are deeply worried about the deterioration of US-China relations, and the deterioration of relations between the two countries is not in line with the United States and The interests of the whole world.

The open letter, published in the Washington Post on Wednesday, July 3, entitled "China is not an enemy," said that they are from the academic, diplomatic, military, and business worlds, most of them from the United States, many of whom have spent their entire careers. Focus on Asia.

The letter then explains from seven aspects why it is unfavorable for the United States to shape China into an enemy of the United States, and points out that there is no overwhelming consensus in Washington that must be enemies with China.

The open letter first pointed out that China’s actions in recent years have been quite disturbing, including intensifying domestic persecution, strengthening control over private companies, abandoning trade commitments, striving to manipulate foreign public opinion, and more aggressive foreign policy, all of which are facing the world. serious challenge. These challenges require a firm and strong response from the United States, but the current treatment in the United States is fundamentally counterproductive.

Despite pointing out China’s challenges, these Chinese experts say they don’t think China is the “economic enemy” of the United States, nor do they believe that China is a national security threat that the United States must confront in all areas. They said that China is not a monolithic piece and the leaders are not static.

This is a professor from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fu Tailin, former US ambassador to China, Qi Xiaoying, senior researcher at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Shi Wen, former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Dong Yunshang, and Harvard University professor Fu Gaoyi. He wrote, with a total of 95 signatures, including some officials responsible for Chinese affairs during the Obama and Bush administrations.

US-China relations have continued to deteriorate in recent years due to a series of serious differences, including a trade war that imposes huge tariffs on each other, the United States accuses China of a large-scale and all-round espionage campaign against the United States, and China’s intensification of military modernization operations in the Western Pacific and South China Sea. Seriously threaten the advantages and security of the United States.

In view of China's series of actions under Xi Jinping's leadership, there is a constant public opinion in the United States that should re-examine the US's China policy, but there are also critics like this open letter author urging the Trump government not to shape China into an enemy.

On the issue of China’s military threat, this open letter said that Beijing’s military strength has eroded the US’s long-standing military superiority in the Western Pacific, but the arms race is not the best response. By maintaining cooperation with the allies, it is the deterrent. A more sensible policy.
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