The well-known streaming service Netflix today, July 4, presents the continuation of the film "Very strange things" (Stranger Things). The third season, the developers promise to show no less impressive than the previous two.

The science fiction series of producers Matt and Ross Duffer until the last held an intrigue about any details of the premiere season. The final trailer was even published just a week ago.

Consequently, the third season takes place a year after the last events in the 80s. After all the trials that fell on the shoulders of teenagers from the small town of Hawkins in the USA, four boy friends and the main character, who has the nickname Eleven, fall into new adventures.

They will again have to meet monsters from a parallel universe, the portal to which was open in previous seasons. A girl with congenital supernormal abilities will try once again to save her friends and the city from the next coming of the monsters.

Leading roles were played by such young stars as Millie Bobby Brown, Heyten Matarazzo, Finn Wolfard, Caleb McLaughlin and Noah Schnapp. Such old-timers of Hollywood as Winona Ryder, David Harbor and others also took part in the shooting of the series. It is planned that in the third season 8 new episodes will be released and, probably, all episodes on Netflix will appear immediately on July 4th. The first season of “Very Strange Affairs” was released on screens in 2016, and the second - in 2017.
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