After Hong Kong’s most serious legislative impact in recent years, both the founding and the Pan-Democrats continued to accuse each other, but at the same time, the outside eyes cast their attention on how the Hong Kong government would handle the follow-up.

The Hong Kong formed faction condemned the demonstrators for destroying the facilities of the Legislative Council. The violence used was not accepted by the Hong Kong community. The Pan-Democrats believed that the Hong Kong Government’s reluctance to listen to the voices of young people was part of the cause of the conflict.

The Hong Kong government has recently started to do some remedial work, including inviting student representatives to meet and try to ease the tension. However, the analysis believes that many young people do not trust the Hong Kong government. If the government still refuses to make any concessions on the demands of the demonstrators, it will not be able to break the current stalemate.

Airspace confrontation
After the demonstrators broke into the Hong Kong Legislative Council building on Monday (July 1), the Hong Kong government and members of the formed system blamed the demonstrators for their actions. Among them, Lin Zhengyue criticized the demonstrators for using "extreme violence" to break into the building. Members of the formed faction pointed out that even if the government did not respond to all the demands of the demonstrators, it could not rationalize the destructive behavior of the demonstrators.

However, the Pan-Democrats pointed out that the demonstrators had broken the Legislative Council because the current political system could not reflect public opinion at all. It was described that if the demonstrators need to be responsible, the government must be responsible for their actions.

With the conflict in Monday, the attention of the outside world turned to the follow-up action of the Hong Kong government. Many former high-ranking officials of the formed camps voiced criticisms of demonstrators. The vice chairman of the Chinese National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa criticized the demonstrators who attacked the Legislative Council. The police must find out their identity.

Fan Xu Litai, the former chairman of the Legislative Council, noticed that the demonstrators’ actions were mainly aimed at the Chinese government and China’s symbol of Hong Kong’s rule. They also displayed the banner of the British Hong Kong era in front of the Legislative Council’s rostrum and questioned whether the demonstrators were going back to the colonial era. "When second class citizens."

The Chief Executive's Office of Hong Kong revealed that Lin Zhengyue had been interviewing different parties and groups from all walks of life in the past few days, including college students and young people participating in recent demonstrations. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Student Union revealed on Thursday (July 4) that they received an invitation from Lin Zhengyue to close the door, but they refused. The Student Union spokesperson believes that the meeting should be conducted in public and should include representatives from various sectors, as the Student Union “does not dare and cannot” represent all demonstrators.

There are still many news of the continued demonstrations in the online discussion forum, including the launch of the march in Kowloon on Sunday (July 7). The promoters said that the march will reaffirm the demands of demonstrators in the Legislative Council Chamber on Monday, including the government’s complete withdrawal of the Fugitive Offenders Regulations, the establishment of an independent committee to investigate the police conflict on June 12, and the direct election as soon as possible. All the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council are elected.

Do not trust the government
Zhong Jianhua, director of the Center for Social Policy Studies at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, believes that if the Hong Kong government does not respond to the demands of demonstrators, it will not be able to ease the current tension in society. When he was interviewed by the BBC Chinese, he said that Lin Zhengyue still did not meet with the Pan-Democrats and described the approach as "very poor."

"If the government has a predecessor to do things, for example, to isolate the so-called opposition parties in their mouths, not let the other party make meritorious deeds, and at the same time not to make concessions just mentioned, I feel that the government can do little and not too much. ""

The Hong Kong Government has not completely failed to respond to the demands of the demonstrators, including repeated reaffirmation of the suspension of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. The amendments will automatically lapse at the end of next year's Legislative Council. The Government also earlier pointed out that it would respect the Independent Police Complaints Commission ("IPCC") to investigate the police's handling of recent demonstrations and submit a report to the government within six months.

But Zhong Jianhua believes that the problem now is that the public does not trust the government. "When everyone does not trust the government, even if the government says anything, even if the government says how confessed, if it is not clear, everyone will still not believe it.

What is the difference between the IPCC investigation and the independent investigation committee?
The IPCC is an organization that handles complaints against police in Hong Kong and is independent of the police. However, the IPCC does not have the power to call witnesses to give evidence. The information provided by the complainant can also be used in future judicial proceedings. The complainant or witness may choose not to make a complaint or give evidence because he is afraid to disclose information that is unfavourable to him. The outside world is also worried that most of the members of the IPCC have a background in the establishment of a system and cannot make a fair and just ruling.

The Independent Investigation Committee was set up by the Chief Executive as needed to investigate a single incident. For example, the Hong Kong Railway was previously exposed to the construction of a new station. The building level was not up to standard. Some engineers were suspected of issuing a certificate of falsification. The Chief Executive, Mrs Lam, set up an investigation committee.

The chairman of these commissions of inquiry is usually chaired by a judge who has the power to call witnesses to give evidence. The information provided by witnesses or complainants will only be used during the investigation process and cannot be used as evidence in any future court trials. More effective protection of the rights of witnesses or complainants.

Swing space "not much"
The Hong Kong police announced on Thursday that they had arrested 12 people in the case of the impact of the Legislative Council. They suspected that they were involved in possession of offensive weapons, illegal assembly, assaulting police and other crimes. Another person was arrested for the incident surrounding the police headquarters last month. In addition, nine people were arrested for publishing personal information of some police officers on the Internet.

Zeng Yucheng, the founding party of the founding party, said that when young people were convicted for demonstrating, Lin Zhengyue could consider giving them special features.

Zhong Jianhua believes that the Hong Kong government will then arrest some of the more "outrageous" demonstrators and ask them to go through the trial process, but there are still a lot of room for manoeuvre, such as the choice of prosecution. For example, he said that when the Hong Kong government accused Dai Yaoting and other promoters of the "Occupy Central" movement, he did not accuse them of "illegal assembly" and instead filed a more serious crime of "inciting others to harass the public".

He pointed out that when the government handles the stage of the case, it will definitely cause controversy again. He believes that in order to alleviate the situation, the Hong Kong Government can definitely withdraw the amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance or set up a comprehensive investigation committee that is not solely for police operations. "I feel that if the government refuses to give in even these things, what it has done in the past few days will not be too effective.
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