Officials at the top of the US told officials at the Ministry of Commerce that although US-China relations seem to have eased, Huawei is still on the list.

Trump and Xi Jinping agreed to reopen the suspension of negotiations during the meeting of the 20-nation summit in Osaka, Japan. Trump said that it will not impose new tariffs on Chinese exports, but also soften its position on Huawei companies listed on the US sanctions list.
US President Trump unexpectedly retreated from his previous position, saying that US companies are allowed to continue trading with the sanctioned Chinese telecommunications equipment giant Huawei. US companies in the Huawei supply chain welcomed Trump's above.

Trump changed his policy toward Huawei to extend an olive branch to China, trying to restart trade negotiations with China and breaking the trade war deadlock. But in the next few days, many business people and government officials were temporarily unable to determine the new position of the US government.

Huawei is the world's largest supplier of telecommunications equipment. The Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturing company is considered a spy risk by the United States. The United States also accused Huawei of stealing US intellectual property rights and violating sanctions against Iran. However, Huawei rebutted that the US allegations were unfounded and emphasized that Huawei has always attached importance to cybersecurity.

US: Supply of low-tech chips
According to a Reuters reporter, Sandman, the deputy director of the Export Enforcement Office of the US Department of Commerce's Industry and Security Administration, sent an email to his subordinates. Sandman said in an email that Huawei is still on the US government's sanctions list.

Sandman also said that for companies that require sales to Huawei, the license evaluation depends on the instructions of the Industrial Security Administration of the Ministry of Commerce. But it is not clear when the Ministry of Commerce will give instructions. A US Department of Commerce spokesman said on Wednesday (June 4) that once the audit is completed, a notice will be sent to companies applying for export licenses.

White House's trade adviser Navarro said earlier this week that the US government has allowed a "low-tech" chip export that does not have a national security. Former US National Economic Council Chairman Kudlow also made a similar statement.

After Trump met with Xi Jinping, Schumer, the leader of the US Senate Democratic Party, immediately stated that Huawei is one of the few effective levers for the United States to force China to conduct fair trade. If Trump makes concessions on Huawei, it will greatly weaken the US change. China's ability to conduct unfair trade practices.

US Republican Senator Rubio also said on the same day that Trump met with Xi Jinping that if Trump lifted Huawei’s restrictions, he would make a big mistake, and the US Congress needed to pass legislation to restore restrictions on Huawei. .

James Moore, chief business commentator for The Independent, believes that changing the policy toward Huawei requires a change in the overall political climate.

Britain: geopolitical dispute

Huawei is the main equipment supplier of British Telecom, but the UK still has no final decision on whether to allow Huawei to join the 5G network. Previously, the UK government supply chain report and the recommendations of the National Cyber ​​Security Center believed that Huawei could enter the UK's 5G market.

At present, the UK's largest and third largest telecommunications company EE and Vodafone have launched the launch of 5G network services, vying for the UK 5G service market. The UK mobile network market is expected to be worth £51 billion by 2030.

James Moore said that Huawei's technology is very good. It is said that they respond quickly to customer requests and are more adept at tailoring equipment for their customers. However, because of the tailoring, this kind of equipment is very different, which also increases the difficulty of assessment by security personnel.

He also believes that if Huawei is excluded from the 5G network, the UK will have to pay a high price. Because it will be built on the existing 4G network from time to time, the telecommunications companies involved in the construction need to dismantle the existing facilities and start from scratch.

British Prime Minister Theresa May will soon be replaced by the party's contenders, the British Foreign Secretary Hunter, or London's former mayor Johnson. No matter who can be in the position, Moore commented that both of them are competing to portray themselves as Trump's best friends, so they pay more attention to Trump's Twitter, not to Huawei (really, still Imagine) security considerations.

Moore said that security concerns about Huawei are mainly political issues. The experience of the communications company did not confirm the security concerns of Huawei equipment. Some independent evaluations have found examples of technical deficiencies, but so far there is no evidence that there are malicious designs behind these technical deficiencies.

However, the famous British commentator Paul Mason wrote in the "New Politician" magazine that Huawei is concerned about the geopolitical interests of the United Kingdom, and the Teresa May government, which is busy with Brexit, made a wrong decision for Huawei. The UK's long-term strategic opponent is trying to divide Russia and its partner China, which is disintegrating Europe.
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